Alerts! (with Telegram)

Introducing Alerts!
Paid users are now able to recieve email and Telegram alerts for asset signal changes!
For example, an asset that changes from a "Weak Sell" to a "Sell" in the 4-hour interval will trigger a notification to all users with this specific alert.
Alerts can be created by clicking on the bell icon () on any page where you find an asset (Watchlist, direct view, and in portfolios). From there, the process is straightforward. Note: the interval of the alert is set to the global interval the user has set in their profile.
Telegram is our preferred messaging platform. However, due to privacy concerns, a user needs to initiate a conversation with our bot before signing up for alerts. To do so, click here and say hi!
Once a conversation is initiated, make sure a username is set up, and added to username to your profile. After saving your username, the Telegram option on all alerts should become available.
Want alerts?
Be sure to upgrade your account or sign up for a free trial today!
Happy trading!